May 24, 2016

International Convention Host

Rotary will be another excellent showing for this years International Convention in Korea with speakers, seminars, world leaders, club presidents and Rotarians.  Jesse Tam, it's a fantastic way to hear messages from those who make contributions to our world.  Seattle/Bellevue club presidents and leaders will be heading to this convention.      
 Learn and hear about past, present and future projects at this yeas conventions.  Read about the upcoming events Rotary International below:

"Korea is playing host to Rotary's largest event of the year, its annual convention. More than 42,000 Rotary members from over 100 countries will come together this month to celebrate service, exchange ideas, and relax among friends at unforgettable concerts and social events. The convention runs from 28 May to 1 June.
Attendees will hear from renowned experts in areas of peace, global health, and human rights"
Plan to travel a few days prior or extend your visit and see the city and culture of Asia.

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