Dec 20, 2017

Focused on Fellowship and Giving

Fellowship and giving, Jesse Tam. This year has been filled with focused on ways to continue growth in our clubs and bring fellowship to the district level.  It's always busy this time with holiday celebrations and family gatherings ahead for many.  The West Seattle Rotary celebrated it's 70th anniversary with a huge cake, of course and stories from achievements during the many years as an organization.  It continues to be the "fun club" and share in giving with a shopping spree for children at Westfield Southcenter with volunteers in December.  The early morning event shares a time for children to select items and enjoy a breakfast with volunteers and rotary members.

The Rotary theme "Making A Difference" can relate to each and everyone of us. It could be setting aside an hour a week or monthly to tutor school children or adults, helping the food banks, cleaning someones yard or visiting elderly people who may not be able to get outdoors.  The things each of us can achieve are endless and will surely bring smiles to others.  Plan ahead and see how you can make a difference in an activity or talent to share with others.

A great way to learn and keep active is being a mentor and continue to volunteer in our own communities.  I've find mentoring those in college, graduate students and our future leaders are great ways to connect in helping them decide on career paths.  The students are filled with questions about jobs and new ideas about the future ahead.

Stay connected, Jesse.tam   Sharing fellowship and giving in our community network, Make a Difference.