Nepal Rotary Journey
The worst tremor to hit South Asian nation in over 80 years, Kathmandu, Nepal was hit with 7.8 earthquake. Jesse Tam visited the beautiful city in February 2007 for Rotary when they were getting their first district recognition. Nepal is filled with so much historical sights and kind people. The country still goes without indoor heat in many homes and gas lines for auto fuel were long during my visit.
The quake was so powerful that it was felt in northern neighboring India, Tibet and Pakistan. The death toll in Nepal was 1,130, but is is almost certain to rise in the coming days. Thinking of our friends and Rotarian for a quick recovery, strength, safety and courage to all those affected. Learn more
Jesse's visit to Nepal and Rotary meeting with club president of Patan, gift exchange. Remembering the fellowship and friends, a wonderful year and reception.
Nepal |
Snowcapped Himalayas and the valley of Kathmandu the historical sites of Nepal