Jan 29, 2020

Leadership, Network and Opportunities

January, can you believe another year has come and gone.  Jesse Tam,What are some things you or I would like to accomplish? This year in rotary, our club continues to focus on membership growth, fellowship and projects in our local community.  Finding ways to connect with rotary within our district and globally is part of the networking opportunities we share together.  

Our clubs and several districts in our region are forming a networking platform online to reach out to members to share ideas, connect and provide business opportunites. It's exchanging ideas and working on projects and sharing our passion. Open doors and opportunities in your community with volunteering or mentoring by giving a bit of your time.  Take the time to refresh yourself and be energized with a fresh mind and spirit. Stay connected  https://jesse-tam.blogspot.com/

Rotary theme for 2020-21:

2020-21Rotary Opens Opportunities
RI President-elect Holger Knaack's theme for 2020-21Rotary Opens Opportunities, asks Rotarians to create opportunities that strengthen their leadership, help put service ideas into action, and improve the lives of those in need.

Image result for rotary theme 2020-21